Tuesday, December 17, 2019

El Nino Essay - 688 Words

El Nià ±o and La Nià ±a Worksheet After exploring the websites, you will have enough information to answer the following questions. There are 19 true/false questions and 1 short answer question that need to be answered. Submit your work to your instructor and then complete the El Nià ±o and La Nià ±a Quiz. The information below explains how to answer the questions. * If the statement is True, answer True for full credit. * If the statement is False, answer False for half credit and then rewrite the sentence to make it a True statement. To make it True, you will likely only need to swap no more than 2-4 words that describe the main concept to make it true. Here are a couple of examples. Example #1: True/False: Most†¦show more content†¦Answer: 7. Warm ENSO episodes result in abnormally wet conditions over northern Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines in both winter and summer seasons. Answer: 8. During a warm ENSO episode, storms tend to be more vigorous in the Gulf of Mexico along the southeast coast of the U.S. resulting in wetter than normal conditions in that region. Answer: 9. During a La Nià ±a episode, higher than normal pressure is observed over Indonesia and northern Australia and lower than normal pressure is observed over the eastern tropical Pacific. Answer: 10. The southeastern U.S. becomes warmer and drier than normal during a cold La Nià ±a episode. Answer: 11. El Nino is closely related to global atmospheric oscillation known as the Northern Oscillation. Answer: 12. La Nià ±a represents the warm phase of the ENSO cycle and El Nino represents the cold phase of the ENSO cycle. Answer: 13. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center declares the onset of an El Nià ±o episode when the 6-month average sea-surface temperature departure exceeds 2.5 deg Celsius in the east-central equatorial Pacific. Answer: 14. El Nià ±o and La Nià ±a episodes typically occur every 2-7 years. However, in the historical record this interval has varied from 3-5 years. Answer: 15. El Nià ±o and La Nià ±a areShow MoreRelated El Nino Essay2743 Words   |  11 PagesEl Nino We live on an incredibly large planet. Even broader than the size of the planet are the amount of changes and relationships between humans, animals, environment, weather, and the effects of each. Many times with busy schedules and modern lifestyles we forget the interaction that goes on between any number of concepts or ideas. We fail to realize that a specific weather occurrence in the Pacific Ocean can have an effect on every day life in the United States. El Nino is one of the largestRead More El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes Essay467 Words   |  2 PagesEl Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes How does the change in climate affect the frequency and the path of those powerful hurricanes and tropical storms in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? Global warming has a profound vast impact on the Earth. 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These unusual events return every 3-7 years and, and peak around December (Christmas), the fishermen named the phenomenon El Nià ±o (Spanish for boy child). For decades, El Nià ±o was considered to be a weather phenomenon only correlating with the countries of western South America. Scientists

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